Administering the Laws and Regulations to the Motor Vehicle Dealers of the Commonwealth of Virginia


With over 18,000 licenses issued,  salespersons are the driving force behind auto sales in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Who is considered to be a "Salesperson"

Virginia Code Section 46.2-1500 defines “Motor vehicle salesperson” or “salesperson” as (i) any person who is hired as an employee by a motor vehicle dealer to sell or exchange motor vehicles and who receives or expects to receive a commission, fee, or any other consideration from the dealer; (ii) any person who supervises salespersons employed by a motor vehicle dealer, whether compensated by salary or by commission; (iii) any person, compensated by salary or commission by a motor vehicle dealer, who negotiates with or induces a customer to enter into a security agreement on behalf of a dealer; or (iv) any person who is licensed as a motor vehicle dealer and who sells or exchanges motor vehicles. For the purposes of this section, any person who is an independent contractor as defined by the United States internal revenue code shall be deemed not to be a motor vehicle salesperson.


Who Needs A Salesperson's License


This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Any person who is employed by a licensed Virginia dealership to sell or exchange motor vehicles and is NOT an Independent Contractor
  • Any person who negotiates with or induces a customer into a security agreement on behalf of a dealer
  • Any person who supervises a salesperson
  • Any person who is licensed as a motor vehicle dealer (owner of record) and is actively involved in selling motor vehicles

Wait... Who Else Needs To Have A Salesperson License?

Finance & Insurance (F&I) Employees and Sales Managers Must Be Licensed Too.

Legislation adopted by the 2006 General Assembly broadened the definition of a motor vehicle salesperson to include functions performed by sales managers and dealer employees in the Finance and Insurance (“F&I”) side of the automobile sales industry. Anyone performing the functions described in the definition above, regardless of job title, must have a salesperson’s license.


When Does My Salesperson's License Renew?

Your salesperson license is tied to the employing dealership and is renewed with the dealership’s license. The dealership receives prepopulated salesperson applications from the MVDB for all licensed salespersons listed in our records at the initiation of the renewal process.

You can find out more details on our “Salesperson License Renewal” section 


How Do I Transfer a Salesperson's License?

Dealers wanting to transfer a salesperson license have two options for submitting a completed MVDB-61:

  • Mail the completed application and a check for the licensing fee – $50.00 per license – to the MVDB office.
  • Scan and securely email1 the completed application to

Please note, mailing the application could delay it’s processing due to travel time.

1. We strongly encourage the use of encryption when submitting personal information via email. Virtru and SecureMyEmail are examples of encryption services. Pursuant to our Disclaimer of Liability, we recommend consumers do their own research and find an encryption service that suits their need.

MVDB will mail a new license directly to the dealership once processing has been completed.